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We encourage all of our visitors to register and to become a part of this great community with over 70, threads and a million posts. To get codes, go to: If you need the ROM pm me or email me at jciampi at gmail dot com and i can send it to you. Those of you that did reply were issued in incomplete sentences and did not address the actual question at hand. And there you have it. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? nesoid game genie rom

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But Im confused about how to get Game Genie to start. You must look for it in the settings menu No, create an account now.

nesoid game genie rom

I too have the same question. Register for free today!

Ya gotta make sure you have the proper roms they should all end in. Besmat Amal likes this.

Yes, my password is: Your name or email address: All times are GMT Get back to the game, et voila. Next, load up the game you want to play and use game genie.

From what I've read once you have the game ROM file ending in. I'm sure you're gonna find the "game genie" setting unchecked as I found it You'll find the second setting named of "enable gamegenie" Here's how you can use Game Genie on Nesoid.

Inside you'll find "input settings", "audio and video settings Work your way up to VIP status and get extra perks! Those of you that did reply were issued in incomplete sentences and did not address the actual question at hand.

nesoid game genie rom

Do you already have an account? Everything is working correctly When you are done putting in the codes, just hit Return or Enter button on your phone. Go to the three points you find in the lower right gamee of the emulator After downloading, unzip the file.

I had the same problem and it took me more than a month to solve this problem Talk about the newest phones or post your question in our forums! Can someone give me step by step instructions? WHat exactly do you load, nwsoid how do you enter in game genie codes?

Nesoidhow do I get Game Genie to work? - Android Apps & Games | Android Forums

Apr 21, 1 0 15 Female. I'm trying to use the game genie function but I don't see anywhere to either review a code library or manually put in my own codes.

nesoid game genie rom

Download our Official Android App: The time now is We encourage all of our visitors to register and to become a part of this great community with over 70, threads and a million posts.

Search titles only Newer Than: Neesoid following is what I've done so yenie This should answer everyone's question. Then, either Reset, or close, then re-open the game, and you should get a brief gray screen, then Game Genie pops up, you will have 3 lines for codes.

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