Sunday, 10 November 2019


Wireless InSite is site-specific radio propagation software for analyzing wireless communication systems, wireless networks, sensors, radars, and other devices that transmit or receive radio waves. Wireless power transfer is an emerging technology used in many applications, including consumer electronics, electric vehicles, and biomedical implants, and will undoubtedly see continued growth over the next decade and beyond. This issue informs readers about the teamwork involved in a variety of multiphysics projects. According to the company, these new capabilities allow users to predict the impact that unknown conditions of the scenario may have on results, whether for RF propagation analysis or for the new capability to assess radiation hazards. This major point release, which updates the product to Release 2. The parasitic element aids in producing a wider beam in one dimension to give better coverage. remcom wireless insite

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The RFID tag is constructed as a microstrip device with spiral resonators tuned to specific frequencies wirelss represent separate bits of the tag code. The system is demonstrated with a design capable of encoding six bits that are formed by resonances MHz apart between 2. Insitee example focuses on displaying typical simulation results for beams and possible plots of coverage from the full array and combinations of sub-arrays. According to the company, these new capabilities allow users to predict the impact that unknown conditions of the scenario may have on results, whether for RF propagation analysis or for the new capability to assess radiation hazards.

Acoustic phenomena are multiphysics in nature. The beams may be steered by varying the phase shift between elements to provide near hemispherical coverage. This major point release, which updates the product to Release 2. XFdtd is full wave 3D electromagnetic simulation software for modeling and analyzing EM field simulation in complex, high-fidelity devices. Improved capability to model parameter uncertainty.

Our Family of Products Includes: We empower design engineers with unique solutions for navigating today's rapidly changing technologies. WaveFarer is a high-fidelity radar simulator for drive scenario modeling at frequencies up to and beyond 79 GHz.

Novel tracing algorithm vs Remcom Wireless InSite

The antenna operates like a transverse slotted rectangular waveguide, but is designed in SIW for reduced cost, size, and for easier integration with planar circuits.

Wireless power transfer is an emerging technology used in many applications, including consumer electronics, electric vehicles, and biomedical implants, and will undoubtedly see continued growth over the next decade and beyond.

The user may conduct a hazard assessment and visually display the MPE relevant quantities, wirelesss well as their relation to the MPE thresholds. The array is composed of four elements which each have two patches and a parasitic element.

Remcom -- Electromagnetic Simulation Software

The testing is done using two cross-polarized log period dipole array antennas which transmit and receive the signal from the RFID tag.

The design process consists of three separate stages.

The resonators are connected to two cross-polarized ultrawide band monopole disk antennas which receive and transmit the signal from the scanning system. In this example, an RFID tag system is examined using XFdtd EM Simulation Software to validate its performance for wirreless in situations where high volume usage requires very low-cost components. It then returns received power, path loss and path gain at receiver positions within the building.

remcom wireless insite

Wireless InSite is site-specific radio propagation software for remckm wireless communication systems, wireless networks, sensors, radars, and other devices that transmit or receive radio waves. This presentation demonstrates how XFdtd can be used to simulate and analyze wireless charging systems. An 8x8 planar antenna array creates narrow beams capable of scanning large sectors in front of the antenna. For more information, visit Remcom.

Subscribe to Remcom's newsletter here. Remcom provides electromagnetic simulation and site-specific radio propagation software for analyzing complex EM problems and antenna propagation. This issue informs readers about the teamwork involved in a variety of multiphysics projects. In this example, XFdtd is used to simulate the performance of a substrate integrated waveguide SIW leaky wave antenna with transverse slots.

Remcom announced a new version of Wireless InSite, its electromagnetic propagation software for the ihsite of wireless communication systems. Results inite S-parameter performance, antenna gain, and efficiency are computed.

When building a model, engineers must account for several The Parameter Uncertainty capability enables the user to define distributions for various project inputs material properties, frequency, and transmitter input power in order to assess the impact that these uncertainties could have on calculated outputs. Using a Monte Carlo approach, calculations for the ray paths are evaluated over the parameter distributions to generate the minimum, maximum, mean, median, and standard deviation of received power, path gain, and path loss.

remcom wireless insite

The system consists of three parts: The ability to simulate the ESD testing process and pinpoint locations in wireless devices susceptible to ESD damage would be extremely valuable and allow engineers to reduce the number of prototypes required to design products for minimal ESD damage. The parasitic element aids in producing a wider beam in one dimension to give better coverage.

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